Saturday 6 January 2024

English PYQ


August 2023

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. Nos.1 1to 30 ) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate option.

“Let’s go! We are going to be late!” shouted Glen gleefully as he tightened his schoolbag on his back. Three other faces broke into a smile upon hearing his words. They could not wait to soak their feet in the water and perhaps catch a small fish or two, just for kicks. They were clearly not heading towards where they should be — school. The cold imposing white building became smaller and smaller. Their little hearts grew braver by the minute. They knew exactly where to go. The canal was huge but that morning, there was only a small lazy stream of dirty water in it. With great gusto, Glen, the leader of the pack, hoisted himself over the railings and climbed down the huge monsoon drain. In the process, he got himself very dirty, but the excitement of truancy was too great to be bothered by some loose buttons and tears in his shirt. In a fraction of seconds, the other boys joined him. Soon, screams and laughter of delight reverberated into the air but no one else could hear them for they had chosen a canal that was far from anyone. Glen spied many tiny fish darting to and fro in the murky water. They had no economical value and were practically worthless but nevertheless, the thrill of catching them bare-handed was priceless. Glen raced after an extra fat one. He plunged his hands to grab it only to have it slip between the cracks of his fingers.

1.  The word ‘lazy’ in the phrase ‘a small lazy stream of dirty water’ means :

(1) lethargic

(2) murky

(3) slow

(4) tired

2.  Why did the boys’ hearts grow braver by the minute ?

(1) They knew that their teachers couldn’t find them.

(2) They could no longer see the school building.

(3) They knew exactly where they were headed.

(4) They were excited to have missed school.

3.  Where should the boys have been at that time of the day ?

(1) Playing with friends

(2) By the canal

(3) At school

(4) At home

4.  Arrange these sentences as per the sequence in which they occur in the passage :

A. Glen climbed down the huge monsoon drain.

B. Soon, his friends joined Glen at the canal.

C. Glen climbed over the railings with excitement.

D. The boys caught fish in the dirty water.

(1) B  A  D  C

(2) A  C  D  B

(3) D  C  B  A

(4) C  A  B  D

5. Identify the underlined words (parts of speech) in the sentence given below : Glen spied many tiny fish darting to and fro in the murky water.

(1) verb, adjective

(2) adverb, noun

(3) verb, noun

(4) adverb, adjective

6.  How many boys had missed school to go fishing to the canal that day ?

(1) Three

(2) Two

(3) Five

(4) Four

7.  Complete the word analogy : imposing : impressive :: truancy : ?

(1) lying

(2) play-acting

(3) absenteeism

(4) foolhardiness

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. Nos. 128 to 135) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate option.

Reach Out! is an organization that runs week-long summer camps, designed to give young people the skills to be the leaders of the future. The camps help to create confident young people who wish to improve not only themselves, but the world around them. Varying in age from 12 to 17, young people come to attend the camps in Canada and the USA from across the world. They spend their time learning leadership skills, considering and discussing important issues such as pollution and health, and helping in the local community. They also meet many other people who have the same interests and beliefs and frequently make friendships that will last a lifetime. There is no average day at the camp and changes are made to the timetable, which is handed out daily, to allow room for exciting events as they come up. However, camp members generally get up at 7:00 a.m. and, once they’ve eaten breakfast, start their day with outdoor games to get them warmed up for the busy day ahead. There are workshops in the morning on skills such as public speaking, and then there’s an hour for lunch at noon. For one hour in the afternoon, camp members have the opportunity to select from various activities that include dancing, yoga, basketball and song writing. During the time at camp, there is a day known as Action Day. This is when small groups go out with an adult group leader to work with organisations in the neighbourhood.... Reach Out! This can involve organisations dealing with housing, journalism, healthcare or the environment, to name just a few. Evenings are spent watching documentary films or listening to guest speakers. The aim is to encourage the young people to go out and make the world a better place.

8. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :

A. Reach Out! camps are week-long summer camps that are organized all across the world.

B. Young people in the age group of 12 – 17 years attend these camps.

C. These young people come to learn leadership skills.

(1) A and B are correct, C is incorrect.

(2) A, B and C are all correct.

(3) A and C are incorrect, B is correct.

(4) B and C are correct, A is incorrect.

9.  Why do young people from all over the world come to these camps ?

(1) To while away their time

(2) To improve their leadership skills only

(3) To improve themselves and the world around them

(4) For fun and friendships

10  To prepare themselves and get warmed up for the busy day ahead, the young people :

(1) partake in some outdoor games.

(2) attend workshops.

(3) eat a heavy breakfast.

(4) get up as early as 7 a.m.

11. In the afternoon, which of the following activities can camp members not select ?

(1) Dancing and yoga

(2) Basketball and dancing

(3) Yoga and public speaking

(4) Basketball and songwriting

12. The camps are justifiably named ‘Reach Out!’ because :

(1) they are action packed throughout the day.

(2) young people work under group leaders.

(3) young people find it exciting to reach the camping site.

(4) members are encouraged to collaborate with neighbourhood organizations.

13. All the seven days at the camp are :

(1) tiring and average.

(2) not the same routine-wise.

(3) action days.

(4) planned in a way to collaborate with local organizations.

14. Identify the underlined words (parts of speech) in the sentence given below : They also meet many other people who have the same interests and beliefs.

(1) conjunction, verb

(2) preposition, noun

(3) adverb, adjective

(4) adverb, noun

15. Complete the word analogy : confident : shy :: average : ?

(1) extraordinary

(2) understated

(3) below par

(4) similar

16. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a language ?

(1) Language is social.

(2) Language is systematic.

(3) Language is static.

(4) Language is symbolic.

17. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :

Assertion (A) :

Prompting students to recall previous knowledge is important.

Reason (R) :

Recalling the previous knowledge helps students connect the known knowledge to the new knowledge.

(1) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

18. A teacher of Class VIII asked her learners to produce a leaflet about saving energy at home as an assignment. This task will cater to which feature of language ?

(1) Comparative

(2) The past tense

(3) Positive imperatives

(4) Question forms

19. While planning a lesson, one of the objectives is to enable learners to produce typical business communication with customers. This objective matches with one of the types of text genres listed below:

(1) Article

(2) Letter

(3) Description

(4) Report

20. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :

Assertion (A) :

English is an associate official language in India.

Reason (R) :

English is taught as a foreign language in Indian schools.

(1) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

21. A teacher asked students to look at the four musical instruments in the picture, and discuss why they are used in different musical contexts. Choose the cognitive skill that matches this activity :

(1) Reasoning

(2) Imagining

(3) Composing

(4) Analyzing

22. When monolingual speakers move from formal to informal modes of speech within the same spoken or gestured idea, they are engaging in :

(1) Dialects

(2) Sociolinguistics

(3) Code-switching

(4) Code-mixing

23. Children’s informal interactions, friendships and relationships with others in their community are based on their use of which form of language ?

(1) Language socialization

(2) Enculturation

(3) Assimilation

(4) Accommodation

24. In the case of vocabulary use, grammar provides a pathway for learners to :

(1) draft formal pieces of writing in higher classes.

(2) speak in formal situations with greater accuracy and confidence.

(3) re-tell listening inputs into oral output.

(4) combine lexical items into meaningful and communicative expressions.

25. Which one of the following is not a classroom resource for learners in teaching-learning of language?

(1) Classroom procedures

(2) Word wall

(3) Reading corner

(4) Classroom library

26. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :

Assertion (A) :

A plan for individualised learning must be created by a language teacher.

Reason (R) :

There is diversity in learners in the learning of new languages.

(1) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

27. In which method does the learners’ first language play a central role in teaching ?

(1) Task-based learning

(2) Direct method

(3) Grammar-Translation method

(4) Communicative language teaching method

28. Chetan’s first language was Bhojpuri. Since arriving in Tamil Nadu, he no longer speaks Bhojpuri and only speaks English with the natives. When the new second language replaces the native language, this is an example of :

(1) Code-switching

(2) Bilingualism

(3) Subtractive bilingualism

(4) Code-mixing

29. Which of the following supports a pre-reading activity ?

(1) Teaching grammatical structures

(2) Using paraphrasing tasks

(3) Using a prediction task

(4) Asking learners to summarise the text

30. Which of the following is true about remedial teaching ?

(1) Providing extra marks to improve performance

(2) Giving extra attention to gifted children

(3) Showing sympathy to backward students

(4) Providing support to improve performance







January 2021

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. Nos. 1to 30) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

The richness of her childhood experience came from living a life, which embraced tradition on one hand and exposure to the world of change, of questioning and questing on the other. Her father’s progressive ideas, his involvement in bringing about change in the restricted Brahminical society, his encouragement of Kamaladevi to follow her own inclinations and yet give her an opportunity to study in a school and participate in all the social functions with which he was involved, as a Senior Revenue Official, gave her confidence. The example of her grandmother, who lived the life of a scholar and fearless woman, who travelled alone without any fear of any social disapproval or adverse consequences, was a fitting example to Kamaladevi, who later travelled all over the world, often risking her life. Girjabai, her mother was a dominant influence throughout her childhood and youth who set an example by overcoming all difficulties without a murmur. She discarded meaningless social customs and observances. She championed the cause of women. Her conviction was that a woman must educate herself, so that she could be independent and her insistence that Kamaladevi should not only study, but also participate in cultural activitiesand sports, enriched her daughter’s life. Seva Sadan and saw her exhorting women even older than her to become literate. She heard her read to them from the newspapers, magazines and extracts from books by social reformers and nationalists, followed by discussions and saw their attitudes changing. Girjabai’s love formusic was shared by Kamaladevi and she was encouraged to learn North Indian and Carnatic music. This love of music was a great source of peace for Kamaladevi in her later years.


1. Her father did not believe in

(1) removing brahminical restrictions

(2) giving freedom to children

(3) allowing children to join the adults in their activities

(4) female education


2. Which of the following statements is NOT correct of her grandmother ?

(1) She believed that women should lead a secure life.

(2) She loved to read books.

(3) She was not afraid of social criticism.

(4) She travelled unescorted.

3. Which of the following statements is correct about her mother ?

(1) She struggled through life smilingly.

(2) She observed faithfully all the social customs.

(3) She preferred studies to sports.

(4) She did not believe in adult literacy.


4. Which two contradictory kinds of experience did Kamaladevi have in her childhood ?

(1) Questioning and Questing

(2) Tradition and Change

(3) Childlike and Adult

(4) Social and Individual


5. Study the following statements :

A. Kamaladevi’s mother read to her from newspapers and magazines.

B. Music was a source of great comfort to her.

(1) A is right and B is wrong.

(2) A is wrong and B is right.

(3) Both A and B are right.

(4) Both A and B are wrong.


6. ‘which embraced tradition’ The word ‘embraced’ here means

(1) disused

(2) performed

(3) pleased

(4) followed


7. ‘an example by overcoming all difficulties’ The word ‘overcoming’ means

(1) reaching

(2) not coming

(3) conquering

(4) over bearing


8. ‘living a life, which embraced tradition, Which part of speech is the underlined word ?

(1) Adjective

(2) Adverb

(3) Pronoun

(4) Determiner


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.

The goal of independence was achieved in India through a prolonged struggle, during which, the far sightedness of the leaders of the freedom movement resulted in giving a final shape to our social and economic goals to be achieved after freedom. This vision imagined to build a selfreliant nation through maximum utilization of the resources in men and materials, and the establishment of a noble and liberal society. It has been an article of faith amongst the policy planners in India that while economic strength determined the scope and quality of political freedom for millions, the quality of freedom depends on increased work and production in factories. It leads to just and equal distribution of wealth among the people so that the poor can also enjoy the benefit of freedom. This, it is recognized, is possible only through increased employment opportunities in the society. In human terms, democracy means availability of equal opportunities to all the people irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion to develop their personalities. It means access to education in Arts, Science and Humanities and also awareness of our age old values and traditions. It needs to be emphasized that the Indian policy has been based on a concern for the individual not only as a worker working for the economic development of the society but also as an end in itself. In the Indian context, the concept of national development goes far beyond economic growth; it is concerned with the creation of a nation united in one purpose, of people speaking different languages, professing different religions and rooted in a variety of cultures.


9. ‘while economic strength determined the scope’ The word ‘determined’ means

(1) established

(2) decried

(3) preferred

(4) rejected


10. ‘our social and economic goal’ Part of speech of the underlined word is

(1) Pronoun

(2) Determiner

(3) Interjection

(4) Conjunction


11. ‘In the Indian context, the concept of’ The word ‘concept’ means

(1) Curiosity

(2) Idea

(3) Care

(4) Inception


12. The Independence was achieved in India

(1) through a long struggle

(2) by self-reliant leadership

(3) through violent means

(4) by making use of every resource available


13. Our leaders’ vision of independent India was based on

(1) boycott of foreign goods

(2) development of defence forces

(3) economic self-reliance

(4) diversification of employment


14. In addition to economic growth our society, as a consequence, also needs

(1) development of countryside.

(2) to give importance to cultural variety.

(3) to pay attention to climatic changes.

(4) just and equitable distribution of wealth.


15. Study the following statements :

A. Along with economic growth, we also want to develop a united nation with one aim.

B. A noble and liberal society depends entirely on economic wealth.

(1) A is right and B is wrong.

(2) A is wrong and B is right.

(3) Both A and B are right.

(4) Both A and B are wrong


16. ‘Habit formation through repetition’ is a component of which method ?

(1) Communicative approach

(2) Audio lingualism

(3) Task based language teaching

(4) Constructivism


17. A teacher of class VII asks her learners to bring at least two or three objects from home and she asks them to exchange the objects among themselves. She now asks them to describe the objects in their hands in at least ten sentences. What are the objects known as in language teaching-learning materials ?

(1) Realia

(2) Home objects

(3) Teachers materials

(4) Inputs for language learning


18. Which one of following components is a process in the Top Down approach to teaching-learning of listening ?

(1) Discriminating between intonationcompounds

(2) Discriminating between phonemes

(3) Recognising prominent details

(4) Recognising the topic


19. A teacher arranges her learners into pairs and give them a text of two paragraphs. One learner in the pair reads out the text to the other and the partner takes the dictation. Then the process is reversed. What is this known as ?

(1) Jig-saw dictation

(2) Partial dictation

(3) Running dictation

(4) Composition dictation


20. ‘Mechanics’ of language in speaking skills includes ________.

(1) pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary

(2) clarity of message

(3) social and cultural rules of using language

(4) script, words and sentences


21. Jatin Ragav is reading fast, looking for specific information in a machinery manual. What is this

reading sub skill known as ?

(1) Skimming

(2) Scanning

(3) Bottom up reading

(4) Critical reading


22. Here are some sets of words in some pattern. Find what are these known as in teaching-learning of pronunciation ? bit-bet, did-dead, hid-head, lid-lead, miss-mess, pin-pen, lock-luck

(1) Contrastive pairs

(2) Comparable pairs

(3) Vowels

(4) Stress and intonation


23. Words which one recognizes when one hears or sees them are ________.

(1) Productive vocabulary

(2) Receptive vocabulary

(3) Explicit vocabulary

(4) Implicit vocabulary


24. What does ‘free-writing approach’ to writing promote ?

(1) Understanding of form and accuracy

(2) Grammatical accuracy

(3) Understanding of the content and fluency

(4) Syntax and language use


25. ‘Pedagogical Grammar’ means that ________.

(1) All grammar teaching should be rule focussed.

(2) Teaching grammar in context

(3) Begin from form and move on to use.

(4) Teaching through immersion


26. Which one of the following is not advocated as an element for assessment in a poem ?

(1) Poetic devices

(2) Theme of the poem

(3) Grammar

(4) Vocabulary


27. A teacher asked her learners to watch a movie two days ago and now she asks them to have a discussion on what would they do, if they were the hero/heroine of the movie ? What is this assessment task known as ?

(1) Extrapolative task

(2) Critical pedagogy

(3) Speaking task

(4) Thinking task


28. What does fluency in reading mean ?

(1) Ability to read a text at ease with expression.

(2) Ability to read a text without any mistake at all.

(3) Ability to interpret the text.

(4) Ability to read without any grammatical errors.


29. Which of the following statements are true of languages in India ?

a. English is the official language of India.

b. Hindi is the national language of India.

c. Hindi is the official language of India.

d. English is the associate official language of India.

(1) ‘a’ and ‘b’ are true.

(2) ‘c’ and ‘d’ are true.

(3) ‘a’ and ‘d’ are true.

(4) ‘b’ and ‘c’ are true.


30. ‘Declarative Knowledge’ in learning grammar refers to ________.

(1) knowing the rules of a grammatical item.

(2) knowing how to do a grammatical item.

(3) knowing the ideas and concepts in learning.

(4) knowing to use a dictionary










December 2019

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. Nos. 1 to 30) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

As science progresses, superstitions ought to grow less. On the whole, that is true. However, it is surprising how superstitions linger on. If we are tempted to look down on savage tribes for holding such ideas, we should remember that even today, among most civilised nations, a great many equally stupid superstitions exist and are believed in by a great many people. Some people will not sit down thirteen at a table; or will not like to start anything important on a Friday; or refuse to walk under a ladder. Many people buy charms and talismans because they think they will bring them luck. Even in civilised nations today, many laws are made on the basis of principles which are just as much unproved. For instance, it is often held as a principle that white people are by nature superior to people of other colours. The ancient Greeks believed that they were superior to the people of Northern and Western Europe. The only way to see if there is anything in such a principle is to make scientific studies of a number of white and black and brown people under different conditions of life and find out just what they can and cannot achieve. It is, however, true that the increase of scientifc knowledge does reduce superstition and also baseless guessing and useless arguments and practices. Civilised people do not argue and get angry about what water is composed of. The composition of water is known, and there is no argument about it.


1. We should not despise the savage tribes because :

(1) they do not believe in science.

(2) they indulge in useless arguments.

(3) they have stopped being superstitious.

(4) we are no less superstitious than they are.


2. Which of the following has a scientific basis for it ?

(1) We should not walk under a ladder.

(2) Number thirteen is inauspicious.

(3) Talismans and charms always bring luck.

(4) Fridays are as good as other days.


3. Who believe in superstitions ?

(1) All civilised nations.

(2) Only some civilised nations.

(3) Only some tribals.

(4) All tribals and some civilized nations.


4. Study the following statements :

(a) Ancient Greeks were superior to other European nations.

(b) Science helps us fight superstitions.

(1) (a) is right and (b) is wrong.

(2) (a) is wrong and (b) is right.

(3) Both (a) and (b) are right.

(4) Both (a) and (b) are wrong.


5. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ? On the whole that is true.

(1) Determiner

(2) Pronoun

(3) Conjunction

(4) Preposition


6. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the following sentence. It is often held that as a principle.

(1) Pronoun

(2) Adverb

(3) Adjective

(4) Preposition


7. Fill in the blank in the following sentence. _____ is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘superior’.

(1) Higher

(2) Prior

(3) Inferior

(4) Lower


8. The statement which best sums up the passage is :

(1) Superstitions disappear with the advancement of science.

(2) Irrational beliefs decline with the advancement of science.

(3) Civilized nations are no less superstitions than the savage tribes.

(4) We are very different from the savage nations in our beliefs.


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that following  by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.

If asked, “What matters are related to health i.e. health decisions ?” most of us would answer –hospitals, doctors and pills. Yet we are all making a whole range of decisions about our health which go beyond this limited area of doctors, pills etc. For example, whether or not to smoke, take exercise, wear a seat belt, drive a motor bike, drink alcohol regularly etc. The way we reach decisions and form attitudes about our health is only just beginning to be understood. The main paradox is why people consistently do things which are known to be very hazardous. Two interesting examples of this are smoking and not wearing seat belts. Addiction makes smokers keep on smoking and whether to wear a seat belt or not is affected by safety considerations. Taken together both these examples show how people reach decisions about their health. Understanding this process is crucial. Only then can we effectively change public attitude towards voluntary activities like smoking. Smokers run the risk of contracting heart disease, several times more as compared to non-smokers. Even lung cancer. Despite extensive press campaigns which have regularly told smokers and car drivers the grave risks they are running, the number of smokers and non-wearers of seat belts has

remained much the same. Although the numbers of deaths from road accidents and smoking are well publicized, they have aroused little public interest. If we give smokers the real figures of deaths caused by smoking, will it affect their views on the dangers of smoking ? Unfortunately not. Many of the real figures are in the form of probable estimates, and evidence shows that people are very bad at understanding this kind of information.


9. Study the following statements :

(a) Though it is very dangerous, some people don’t quit smoking.

(b) Whether or not to drink alcohol is not a health decision.

(1) (a) is right and (b) is wrong.

(2) (a) is wrong and (b) is right.

(3) Both (a) and (b) are right.

(4) Both (a) and (b) are wrong.


10. Which of the following pieces of advice can be easily ignored by the people ?

(1) Don’t smoke.

(2) Wear a seat belt.

(3) Don’t drink alcohol.

(4) Don’t drive a motor bike.


11. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ? Yet, we are all making a whole range of decisions.

(1) Adverb

(2) Conjunction

(3) Pronoun

(4) Preposition


12. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ? Understanding this process is crucial.

(1) Determiner

(2) Preposition

(3) Adverb

(4) Conjunction


13. Smokers run double the risk of contracting heart disease. The word ‘contracting’ here means

(1) receiving

(2) removing

(3) catching

(4) avoiding


14. An example of ‘limited area’ of health is :

(1) smoking

(2) taking exercise

(3) wearing a seat belt

(4) taking medicines


15. A teacher asks her learners to discuss in groups of four, jot down ideas and then develop them in an outline to write a paragraph. Learners then edit the paragraph into a final draft. Which strategy of writing does the teacher follow here ?

(1) Group work

(2) Process approach

(3) Product approach

(4) Discussion method


16. Transactional listening

(1) lays emphasis on conveying information.  

(2) lays emphasis on harmonious communication in the social context.

(3) does not require careful attention to details and facts.

(4) is interactive by nature.


17. CALP stands for

(1) Cognitively Academic Language Proficiency

(2) Cognitively Advanced Language Proficiency

(3) Competency based Academic Language Proficiency

(4) Comparative Academic Language Proficiency


18. ‘A task’ in Task Based Language Learning means _____.

(1) an activity where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose.

(2) a piece of work designed by the teacher for language teacher.

(3) a text-book exercise to be carried out by learners individuals.

(4) a task for the teacher for assessing learners language learning.


19. According to National Curriculum Framework 2005, which one of the following is NOT objective of language teaching-learning ?

(1) the competence to understand what one hears.

(2) ability to read with comprehension.

(3) effortless expression.

(4) to know the history of languages.


20. Which one of the following is NOT true of language learning ?

(1) Reading is making meaning.

(2) Grammatical rules are important for learning a language.

(3) Language learning takes time.

(4) Language learning needs a context.


21. Why does a common man choose to wear a seat belt ?

(1) There is a law for it.

(2) He wants to protect himself.

(3) It is fitted in the car.

(4) For fear of the policeman.


22. Which is an effective way of teachinglearning grammar ?

(1) Teaching the rules first followed by examples.

(2) Presenting grammar form in a natural discourse, then explaining how the form is made and used.

(3) Presenting single sentence examples in plenty of ways and then explaining the form.

(4) Teaching through a typical grammar book.


23. What status is given to English language in the Indian Constitution ?

(1) Recognised language

(2) Associate official language

(3) Official language

(4) Foreign language


24. A language teacher asks learners to write a paragraph on ‘scarcity of water’. Learners gather information from science and social science books and other sources before writing. Such task aims at :

(1) developing the scientific attitude.

(2) completing the syllabus of other subjects simultaneously.

(3) achieving language learning across the curriculum.

(4) enhancing co-curricular skills.


25. Which one of the following is NOT an assessment tool for language learning ?

(1) Observation schedule

(2) Portfolio

(3) Assignment

(4) Realia


26. Teaching a novel is to promote :

(1) reading for pleasure

(2) reading for details

(3) reading to become a writer

(4) reading to learn vocabulary


27. Story telling as a strategy in language teaching is aimed at _____.

(1) learning the morals.

(2) learning to retell the story.

(3) engaging learners with language.

(4) testing the memory of learners.


28. ‘Input Hypothesis’ refers to

(1) the relationship between what the learner is exposed to of a language and language acquisition.

(2) the relationship between what languages the learners know and the languages they are taught.

(3) the relationship among the learner, teacher and the materials.

(4) all the inputs of the school.


29. Which one of the following makes the communication a cyclic process ?

(1) Sender

(2) Receiver

(3) Feedback

(4) Message


30. Top-down process of reading :

(1) proceeds from whole to part.

(2) proceeds from part to whole.

(3) proceeds from centre to periphery.

(4) proceeds from bottom to top.











July 2019


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

The other day I received an unusual and very gratifying gift : I was given a tree. Or rather, I was given half-a-dozen trees, which would be planted on my behalf. I had been invited to give a talk to an organisation. After such events, the speaker is usually given a token gift. Sometimes the gift is that of a pen, or something useful. Often, the gift is in the form of a plaque or similar commemorative token. However well-meant, such gifts are destined to gather dust in forgotten corners. Which is why I was agreeably surprised to be given a scroll which attested that, in a designated plantation established for the purpose, six tress would be added in my name, as part of ‘green’ֹ movement being sponsored by the organization. In an increasingly environmentallyconscious world, the gift of a living tree or plant makes for a perfect present. The tradition of giving and receiving gifts has increasingly become a highly evolved marketing exercise. Apart from festivals like Diwali, Holi, Christmas, Eid and others, a whole new calendar of celebratory events has been created to promote the giving of gifts : Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Valentine’s Day and so on and on. What do you give to people – friends, relatives, spouses, children, parents, employees, clients, well-wishers who have more or less everything, or at least everything that you could afford to give them as a gift ? Another shirt or kurta ? Another bottle of scent or aftershave? Another box of chocolates ? Another any other ?


1. What usually happens to the gifts he/she receives ?

(1) He uses them if he needs them.

(2) He gives them away as gifts to others.

(3) They are put away and forgotten.

(4) He keeps them religiously as mementoes.


2. The gift received by the writer was :

(1) a marketing exercise

(2) environment friendly

(3) very expensive

(4) gathering dust in a corner


3. Why do you not very much care for it when you receive a shirt or a kurta as a gift ?

(1) The giver had to spend a lot of money.

(2) You already have so many of them.

(3) You don’t like the colour.

(4) You were not asked about your choice.


4. The word ‘gratifying’ means

(1) annoying

(2) satisfying

(3) giving

(4) fortifying


5. The word ‘destined’ means :

(1) fated

(2) decided

(3) declined

(4) departed


6. Name the part of speech of the underlined word in the following clause. which is why I was agreeably surprised.

(1) Preposition

(2) Adjective

(3) Pronoun

(4) Adverb


7. Identify the part of the following sentence which has an error in it.

(a)Your claim ought

(b)  to succeed in that case

(c) the damages

(d)will be substantial

(1) (a)

(2) (b)

(3) (c)

(4) (d)


8. The writer was thrilled when he was given

(1) a tree

(2) six trees

(3) a plaque

(4) a pen


Directions : With more then 3,000 languages currently spoken, English undoubtedly is amongst the richest of all languages. The Oxford English Dictionary lists about half a million words of which only 2,00,000 are frequently used. This is because, the balance 3,00,000 words are technical and not found in ordinary dictionaries. The only language that can come near English is Chinese. Apart from being the richest language, English also boasts of being one of the most widely spoken, second only to Mandarin Chinese. This remarkable achievement is only because of the one thing that we all love to do – copy ! ‘Siesta’ for example is of Spanish origin. ‘Sputnik’ as you must be aware of, has a Russian origin. ‘Restaurant’ is from France and ‘Super’ from Germany. Even before the birth of the ‘genius’ of ‘drama’, William Shakespeare, the words ‘genius’ and ‘drama’ were adapted from Greek. Now, you must be wondering if English has anything original about it. Well, find it out ! Did you ever try to find out how many different words of English we use in our daily life ? Try to guess and then read on. A modern novelist has a vocabulary of anywhere between ten to fifteen thousand words. William Shakespeare used thirty thousand words and the only writer to come close to him was James Joyce in ‘Ulysses’. We normally have a vocabulary of about ten thousand words of which only five thousand are used in everyday conversation. This leads to a limited variety of words. This is because we repeat a lot of words. In conversation and in writing, it is ‘the’. (Try counting it in this article and you will have proof of it.)


9. In our everyday conversation we use a limited number of words because :

(1) our vocabulary is unlimited.

(2) we are not a genius like Shakespeare.

(3) everybody is not highly educated.

(4) we repeat a lot of words.


10. How many words are usually used by an English speaking person ?

(1) 3,000

(2) 5,000

(3) 10,000

(4) 15,000


11. Which of the following words is most often used in English language ?

(1) a

(2) the

(3) is

(4) one


12. The word that is similar in meaning to the word, ‘remarkable’ is :

(1) astonishing

(2) remedial

(3) remaining

(4) optional


13. The word that is opposite in meaning

to the word, ‘ordinary’ is :

(1) usual

(2) complex

(3) special

(4) liable


14. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ? Did you ever try to find out ?

(1) Adverb

(2) Adjective

(3) Pronoun

(4) Verb


15. English is the most widely used language in the world because :

(1) Shakespeare has written in English.

(2) it is the richest language.

(3) it has taken words from other languages.

(4) it has half a million words in it.


16. Continuous Assessment focuses on

(1) Formal assessment

(2) Informal assessment

(3) Informal and a combination of both formative and summative

(4) Outcome and achievement based assessment


17. ‘Pre-reading’ activity in class is to

(1) connect learner’s previous knowledge with what she learns in the reading text.

(2) connect learners’ with one another.

(3) enable learners to know about the story which they would read ahead.

(4) All of these


18. Pedagogical Grammar is

(1) grammar of pedagogy

(2) grammar for teachers

(3) grammar in context to connect grammar points with real life context

(4) grammar with formal rules to be applied while writing


19. What are these words known as ? – the, of, and, a, to, that, it, with, but, they, she, he

(1) Sight words

(2) Form words

(3) Use words

(4) Unimportant words


20. A teacher gives a puzzle to her class- VIII students and asks them to solve it by speaking out how they solve it. What is this strategy known as ?

(1) Speaking aloud

(2) Think aloud protocol

(3) Listening

(4) Picture reading


21. Sanskrit in India today is a

(1) Modern Indian language

(2) Modern Indian language and a classical language

(3) Religious language

(4) Hindu language


22. A teacher of Class-VII asked her students to read a short story and come to the class. She asks them to discuss the major points of the story in groups and present them to the whole class. What is this reading known as ?

(1) Intensive reading

(2) Reading with a purpose

(3) Reading for thinking

(4) Extensive reading


23. English does not find its place as a_________.

(1) first language in the school curriculum

(2) second language in the school curriculum

(3) third language in the school curriculum

(4) medium of instruction


24. Bottom-up processing in listening is to

(1) decode messages moving from sounds to words, phrases, clauses and other grammatical elements to sentences.

(2) decode the overall messages of the discourse and move down the micro level units.

(3) encode all the sounds from speaker to listener.

(4) use multiple ways to decode the messages.


25. What is the following strategy known as in reading ? The text is read more slowly and in detail to get the gist or overall sense of the text.

(1) Scanning

(2) Summarising

(3) Skimming

(4) Scaffolding


26. A teacher asks her learners of class-VII  to refer to the textbook of History and find a theme which can be connected with English language text for writing an essay. What is this practice known as ?

(1) Language and Social Science learning

(2) Language across the curriculum

(3) Language in learning

(4) Language and history integrated learning


27. Multilingualism as a resource means

(1) learning many languages in school.

(2) using the languages of learners as a strategy in school.

(3) teaching many languages.

(4) promoting of languages through content learning.


28. Match the types of writing with their corresponding category :

a. Personal writing i. Letter of complaint

b. Study writing ii. Diary writing

c. Creative writing iii. Synopsis writing

d. Public writing

iv. Travelogue

a b c d

(1) i ii iii iv

(2) ii iii iv i

(3) iii ii i iv

(4) iv iii ii i


29. A teacher divides her class into groups of five and allocates different themes to the groups. The groups have to collect information on the themes and write reports to be presented to the class. What is this activity known as ?

(1) Assignment

(2) Project work

(3) Writing work

(4) Research


30. Process approach to writing involves

(1) Brainstorming, outlining, drafting revising, proof-reading and drafting the final writing.

(2) Brainstorming, writing the first draft and final writing.

(3) Outlining, revising and writing the final draft.

(4) Writing the first draft, revising and developing the final draft.










December 2018


Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that  follow (Q. Nos. 1to 30) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.

The strength of Indian democracy lies in its tradition, in the fusion of the ideas of democracy and national independence which was characteristic of the Indian national movement long before independence. Although the British retained supreme authority over India until 1947, the provincial elections of 1937 provided real exercise in democratic practice before national independence. During the Pacific War, India was not overrun or seriously invaded by the Japanese and after the War was over, the transfer of power to a government of the Indian Congress Party was a peaceful one as far as Britain was By 1947, ‘Indianization’ had already gone far in the Indian Civil Service and army, so that the new government could start with effective instruments of central control. After independence, however, India was faced with two vast problems, the first, that of ethnic diversity and the aspirations of subnationalities. The Congress leadership was more aware of the former problem than of the second; as a new political elite which had rebelled not only against the British Raj, but also against India’s social order; they were conscious of the need to initiate economic development and undertake social reforms, but as nationalists who had led a struggle against alien rule on behalf of all parts of India, they took the cohesion of the Indian nation too much for granted and underestimated the centrifugal forces of ethnic division, which were bound to be accentuated rather than diminished as the popular masses were more and more drawn into politics. The Congress Party was originally opposed to the idea of recognizing any division of India on a linguistic basis and preferred to retain the old provinces of British India which often cut across linguistic boundaries; it was only in response to strong pressures from below that the principle of linguistic States was conceded as the basis of a federal ‘Indian Union’. The rights granted to the States created new problems for the Central Government. The idea of making Hindi the national language of a united India was thwarted by the recalcitrance of the speakers of other important Indian languages, and the autonomy of the States rendered central economic planning extremely difficult. Land reforms remained under the control of the States and many large-scale economic projects required a degree of cooperation between the Central Government and one or more of the States which it was found impossible to achieve. Coordination of policies was difficult even when the Congress Party was in power both in the States and at the Centre; when a Congress government in Delhi was confronted with non-Congress parties in office in the States, it became much harder.


1. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word ‘thwarted’ as used in the passage.

(1) Opposed

(2) Implemented

(3) Accepted

(4) Diverted


2. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word ‘conceded’ as used in the passage.

(1) Criticized

(2) Rejected

(3) Denounced

(4) Withdrawn


3. Why was central economic planning found to be difficult?

(1) Multiplicity of States and Union Territories

(2) Lack of coordination in different government departments

(3) Autonomy given to the States in certain matters

(4) Lack of will in implementing land reforms


4. Which one of the following problems was India faced with after independence?

(1) Military attack from across the border

(2) Lack of coordination between the Central and State Governments

(3) Improper coordination of various government policies

(4) Increasing the production from a very low level


5. Which one of the following issues was not appropriately realized by the Central Government?

(1) Ethnic diversity of the people

(2) A national language for the country

(3) Implementation of the formulated policies

(4) Centre-State relations


6. Which, according to the passage, can be cited as exercise in democratic practice in India before independence?

(1) The handing over of the power by British to India

(2) The Indianization of the Indian Civil Service

(3) Several democratic institutions created by the Indian National Congress

(4) None of the above


7. Which one of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

(1) The Congress Party was originally opposed to the idea of division of States on linguistic basis.

(2) Economic development and social reforms were initiated soon after independence.

(3) The political elite in India rebelled against the British Raj.

(4) The Congress leadership was fully aware of the problems of ethnic diversity in India at the time of independence.


8. Why was the linguistic reorganization of the States accepted?

(1) The States were not cooperating with the Central Government.

(2) Non-Congress governments in the States demanded such a reorganization of the States.

(3) No common national language could be emerged.

(4) Strong pressures from the States were exerted on the Central Government to create such States.


9. India was not overrun by the Japanese during the Pacific War because—

(1) Japan had friendly relations with Britain

(2) Japan was interested in India’s freedom

(3) Japan was skeptical about its success in War

(4) None of the above


Directions : A principal fruit of friendship”, Francis Bacon wrote in his timeless meditation on the subject, “is the ease and discharge of the fullness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce.” For Thoreau, friendship was one of life’s great rewards. But in today’s cultural landscape of muddled relationships scattered across various platforms for connecting, amidst constant debates about whether our Facebook ‘friendships’ are making us more or less happy, it pays to consider what friendship actually is. That’s precisely what

CUNY Philosophy professor Massimo Pigliucci explores in Answers for Aristotle : How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to a More Meaningful Life (public library), which also gave us this provocative read on the science of what we call ‘intuition’. Philosophers and cognitive scientists agree that friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness. But beyond the dry academic definitions—like, say, “voluntary interdependence between two persons over time, which is intended to facilitatemsocio-emotional goals of the participants, and

may involve varying types and degrees of companionship, intimacy, affection and mutual assistance”—lies a body of compelling research that sheds light on how, precisely, friendship augments happiness. The way friendship enhances well-being, it turns out,has nothing to do with quantity and everything to do with quality—researchers confirm that it isn’t the number of friends (or, in the case of Facebook, ‘friends’).


10. Is the quality of friends important?

(1) No, it is important to have more number of friends, quality does not matter

(2) No, number of comments on social networking sites is important, not the quality of friends

(3) Yes, it matters

(4) No, quality comes automatically with quantity


11. As per the first paragraph, what are the debates about?

(1) They are centered around whether our Facebook friends are helping us become more or less happy.

(2) There are no debates around friendship.

(3) The quality of comments of social media is debatable.

(4) Thoreau and Aristotle’s thinking is at loggerheads.


12. The word that is opposite in meaning to the word ‘muddled’ is—

(1) confused

(2) chaotic

(3) ordered

(4) rumpled


13. The change in the present situation which has forced us to rethink the concept of friendship is—

(1) Bacon and Thoreau’s theories are no longer available to read

(2) the arrival of social media on the scene

(3) there is more interest in the sciences

(4) friendships are not possible in the real world anymore, due to over-competition


14. Friendship leads to happiness. Is it true?

(1) Yes, researches have proven that friendship does lead to happiness

(2) No, there is no relationship between friendship and happiness

(3) Friends cannot make each other happy

(4) One needs to find one’s happiness alone, with peace of mind


15. Did Pigliucci’s book discuss intuition too?

(1) No, it only discussed friendship

(2) It just explained science andphilosophy

(3) It discussed Aristotle’s theories

(4) Yes


16. Positive interference is a kind of—

(1) target language

(2) foreign language

(3) pictorial language

(4) native language


17. In learning the new language, multilingualism is—

(1) a methodology

(2) an asset

(3) an interference

(4) a burden


18. Note taking is done—

(1) during a lecture

(2) while reading a review

(3) during extensive reference work

(4) while writing an essay


19. The method of teaching foreign language without using the pupil’s first language is—

(1) direct method

(2) classical method

(3) grammar-translation method

(4) old method


20. Two words have identical sound and spelling, but not related in meaning. It is known as—

(1) homophone

(2) homonymy

(3) homograph

(4) polysemy


21. Language of word is not necessary for—

(1) imaginative thinking

(2) conceptual thinking

(3) associative thinking

(4) perceptual thinking


22. Communicative Language Teaching replaced basically—

(1) Natural Language Processing

(2) Structural Teaching

(3) Situational Language Teaching

(4) Motivational Teaching


23. Students are not organisms. Which one of the following methods sees them as a whole person?

(1) CLT

(2) SLT

(3) Silent way

(4) CLL


24. Writing is the _____ representation of speech sounds.

(1) alphabetical

(2) graphical

(3) phonetic

(4) systematic


25. When a teacher uses realia to teach vocabulary and grammar, she is—

(1) using role play as a learning device

(2) using real objects, actions and real-life situations

(3) using computer technology

(4) teaching through true stories


26. A poem whose first letters of each line spell out a word is called—

(1) alliterative

(2) epic

(3) acrostic

(4) haiku


27. Decorum in spoken English pertainsto—

(1) appropriate gestures

(2) clarity and purity of style

(3) correct grammatical usage

(4) voice quality


28. Inquiry-based curriculum is based on—

(1) deductive reasoning

(2) inductive reasoning

(3) heuristic reasoning

(4) analogical reasoning


29. Which of the following are structuralwords?

(1) Auxiliaries

(2) Prepositions

(3) Conjunctions

(4) All of the above


30. Conventions of writing include—

(1) story ideas

(2) proper punctuation

(3) imagination

(4) good vocabulary