Thursday 7 March 2024

Unveiling India's Union Territories:


 Unveiling India's Union Territories: Exploring Administrative Divisions Beyond States

1. Introduction:

India's administrative framework comprises not only states but also Union Territories (UTs), each with its unique governance structure.

While states have their own elected governments, UTs are directly governed by the central authority, albeit with varying degrees of autonomy.

2. Understanding Union Territories:

Union Territories serve as vital components of India's federal system, ensuring efficient administration and governance in regions with distinct needs.

Unlike states, UTs often have a lieutenant governor or administrator appointed by the President to oversee their administration.

3. Exploring the Options:

(1) Laddakh: Established in 2019, Laddakh became a UT following the reorganization of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

(2) Jammu & Kashmir: While historically a state, Jammu and Kashmir was bifurcated into two separate UTs in 2019, Jammu & Kashmir and Laddakh.

(3) Manipur: Contrary to the options listed, Manipur is a full-fledged state in northeastern India, known for its diverse culture and scenic landscapes.

(4) Chandigarh: Serving as the capital of two states, Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh is a Union Territory administered directly by the central government.

4. Importance of Union Territories:

Union Territories play crucial roles in India's administrative landscape, serving as centers of governance, culture, and development.

They often receive special attention from the central government to address unique challenges and promote growth and prosperity.

5. Conclusion:

Understanding the distinction between Union Territories and states is essential for comprehending India's diverse administrative setup.

While states boast elected governments, UTs represent a blend of local governance and centralized control, contributing to India's federal structure.

1. Which administrative division of India is directly governed by the central authority?

(a) Laddakh

(b) Jammu & Kashmir

(c) Manipur

(d) Chandigarh

Correct answer: (d) Chandigarh

2. When was Laddakh established as a Union Territory?

(a) 1947

(b) 1971

(c) 2019

(d) 2005

Correct answer: (c) 2019

3. Which of the following is a state in northeastern India?

(a) Laddakh

(b) Jammu & Kashmir

(c) Manipur

(d) Chandigarh

Correct answer: (c) Manipur

4. Which Union Territory serves as the capital for both Punjab and Haryana?

(a) Laddakh

(b) Jammu & Kashmir

(c) Manipur

(d) Chandigarh

Correct answer: (d) Chandigarh

5. How is the governance structure of Union Territories different from that of states?

(a) Union Territories have elected governments.

(b) Union Territories are directly governed by the President-appointed administrators.

(c) Union Territories have their own Chief Ministers.

(d) Union Territories have a similar governance structure to states.

Correct answer: (b) Union Territories are directly governed by the President-appointed administrators.